We find stories about archangels in all three major world religions of the West. In their essence, they stand for the virtues of humanity.
Metatron is the highest of the archangels and stands for the I Am Consciousness:
The realization that we are creators of our own destiny through the power of thought. Metatron teaches us to unite All-Love and All-Power and to be an image of God.
Donna McCain uses a unique mixed-media technique to create this statue, combining a variety of materials into a new entity. The core of the statue is an antique wood-beam, which was recovered from the roof of an old half-timbered house. Gems such as Herkimer Diamonds, Rubies, Amber, Rock Crystal and Citrine find their place as ornaments. The use of gold leaf dominates and the lush golden coloring seduces to impressions of opulence and abundance. The elements have been arranged playfully, adding lightness to the work of art, which is a nice contrast to the massive appearance of the color gold. The incorporated berg crystals entwine the statue in spiral patterns and the irregular interjections of Pranacrystals and Pranadrops are characteristic of Donna McCain's playful abstract style that wraps complex shapes into timeless simplicity. Rounding out the elegance of the statue with a fine wooden base made of Thai driftwood.
The statue "Metatron" represents the union of the non-noble and the noble. As the earthly strives for the celestial, the reverse is true. Opposites want to unite and become something new. Here lies the beauty of life: the inexhaustible pursuit of creativity in all its infinite expressions.